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Penampang Sea slug

+60 12 335 1568

Penampang Sea slug


Sea slug

Saw this on 9gag. Wonder if theres anyone here who tried keeping them and if its legal here in sg to keep them? O.o/
Yup legal to keep in singapore but what stop people from keeping is the diet of the sea slug. Every slug has a special diet, which is very difficult to get.
>Originally Posted by mengyang_neo Yup legal to keep in singapore but what stop people from keeping is the diet of the sea slug. Every slug has a special diet, which is very difficult to get. Is the no pellets or ready made food for them?
>Originally Posted by dan9296 Is the no pellets or ready made food for them? Yup each sea slug only eat specifically a type of food and there is no ready made food for them. U can find out more from the Internet. Normally they die of starvation in the tank.
>Lovely pets but hard to maintain like jelly fish too best not to keep them if ur new to marine fishkeeping.
>so cute and special thks 4 sharing
>Thats so poor thing if unable to provide them with food
If really thats the case, its best to stay in Mother Nature then man made tank.
>Really a plastic toy
>They are very unique indeed.
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