The ferns traditionally be classified in the fern (FilicesIn, but the modern classification method is a - ferry in the plant world (Pteridophyta) Smith et al. in2006The new classification method proposed by the year is based on modern gene system studies, plus the classification method planned by morphological information.This classification method divides the ferns into four outlines shown below:
Ferns are basically in the real fern, including a section of the film fern (film ferry), and Ye Ye Ping, there are three sects (Ye Ye Pingke, Man Jiang Red, Absolute), and the water dragons bones have sixDepartment (Waterberry, Hydron Orthopedics, Phoenix Fern, Fujiko, Coffer Fern).These ten sectors (see the red box in the picture) have hundreds of water grass, representative44The species will be described in this article.
Second floor:MembraneWater (green wood fern, bottle fern, thick side fern, grouse fern)
Third Floor: Yan Ye Pingke, Manjiang Red Water (Yan Yusing, Du Ping, Tiantu, Man Jianghong)
Fourth floor: Apps Water (Tianyut Grass, Table Puping)
5th floor: Waterberry(Silver, leafy cress, big leaf cress, Vietnamese cress, coniferous water)
Sixth Floor: Hydron Orthopedic Water (including a variety of iron crowns and Starns)
Seventie floor: Fengwei fern water (big leaf phoenix fern)
Eight Floor: Franconia(Including a variety of black wood fern and fern)
Nine floors: Fuji fern water (蕨 莫莫)
Ten Floor: Iron Franberry Water (Spider Fern)
Because of the number of words, this article only provides pictures and watercraft names, please refer to the link provided downstairs:
Second floor:MembraneWater grass

203: Thickness Fern Crepidopteris Humile

204: Canadian fernGonocormus minutum
Third Floor: Yan Ye Pingke, Manjiang Red Water

Fourth floor: Water grass

402: Table PortsMarsilea Hirsuta
5th floor: Waterberry
501: Fine leavesCeratopteris Thalictroides
502: 密叶 水芹Ceratopteris Siliquosa
503: Great leavesCERATopteris Cornuta
504: Vietnamese cressCeratopteris Thalictroides "Vietnam"
505: ConiferousCeratopteris Thalictroides "laos"
Sixth Floor: Hydron Orthopedic Water
601: Iron CrownMicrosorum Pteropus
602: Fine leaf iron crownMicrosorium Pteropus "Narrow Leaf"
603: Deer Iron CrownMicrosorum Pteropus "Windelov"
604:Three forkironCrownMicrosorium Pteropus "TRIDENT"
605:willowLeaf ironCrownMicrosorium Pteropus "Semi Narrow Leaf"

611:Golden iron crownMicrosorum Pteropus "Golden"
612:Red iron crownMicrosorum Pteropus "Thailand Red"
613:Orange iron crownMicrosorum Pteropus "Orange"
614:Philippine iron crownMicrosorum Pteropus "Philippine"
615:TimixkarMicrosorum SP.Timika
616:Sabah CrownMicrosorum SP.Sabah "
Seventie floor: Fengwei fern
701: 尾 fernsPTERIS CRTICA VAR. Nervosa
Eight Floor: Franconia
801: Black wood fernBolbitis Heudelotii

803: Dwarf Black FernBolbitis Heudelotii "Compact"
804: Celery Black Wood FernBolbitis SP "Baby Leaf"
805: Philippine black wood fernBolbitis SP "Philippine"
806: Three-leaf fernBolbitis HeteroClita
807: Thai three-leaf fernBolbitis CF. HeteroClita "Thailand"
808: Dragon TailBolbitis SP. Dragon Tail
809: Borneo FernBolbitis SP. "Borneo"
810: Penang FernBolbitis SP. "Penang"
Nine floors: Fuji fern

Ten Floor: Iron Fern
101: Spider fern
Spider fern is originally produced in Northeast China and Japan, South Korea, and Russia, a perennial ferns, aqueous water.Growing more in the wet stone gap between the water, often associated with Moss.Leaf green, long10 to 20 cm, width 1 to 2 cm, there is a filament, from above, just like a green big spider, so the spider fern.Breeding is mainly on the back of the leaf, like weak acid-resistant water quality, it is relatively difficult to water on the water, which requires low temperature and more carbon dioxide.The growth rate of the grass in the water is slow, and it can lower the low temperature but not high temperature.The water temperature is more than 25 degrees to stop growing or even death.
= (Xianglong Agricultural Group Fish Friends Review) =
2nd floor: membrane fern watercuff (green wood fern, bottle fern, thick side fern, grouse fern)
3rd floor: Yan Ye Pingke, Manjiang Red Water (Yan Yusing, Du Ping, Tiantu, Man Jianghong)
4th floor: About Pasca Water, Toma, Table Ports)
5th floor: Waterfriend water (fine leaf water, leafy water, big leaf cress, Vietnamese cress, coniferous water
6th floor: 16 kinds of water dragon, including various iron crowns and Starns
7th floor: Fengwei fern water (phoenix fern)
8th floor: 10 kinds of embarrassa water grass (including various black wood fern and fern)
9th floor: Introduction to Fuji fern (blame Fern Moss)
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